Fish & House

#34 - Fish

The fish is depicted as swimming through a body of water, quickly towards it’s next destination. Fish can be symbolic of water, the ocean, or aquatic life in general, but often it’s more about the underlying freedom of the fish and its ability to travel through life at the pace it wants to, swimming freely wherever it would like to go.

The fish card could indicate that you’re about to have a trip or travel adventure, possibly even to a place surrounded by beautiful open water. It may mean that you will have a chance encounter with a Pisces, or someone who was born in February or March, the fish sign. It could also mean that you will find some new found independence. Above all, the fish card represents freedom from world constraints, and symbolizes entrepreneurs, for two reasons. First, entrepreneurs do not work for or answer to anyone but themselves, do not have to wear a uniform, do not have to punch a time clock. Secondly though, the fish is not just a bum who lounges and does nothing. The fish is constantly moving, constantly swimming to the next destination. A fish is never still. A fish barely sleeps. The fish swims and networks with other fish, just as business owners will network with other business owners. The fish card can symbolize that you are about to branch out on your own in a new business venture.

As it relates to location, the fish card could be symbolic that something big is about to occur near a pool, ocean, lake, river, creek, or other body of water. It could also be referring to the colors of blue or green, sea colors. As it relates to our health, the fish card is often trying to forecast matters of the body that relate to water, like water retention, issues with our kidneys, bladders, or dehydration. It could also be referring to health insurance issues or fertility issues.

There are religious and biblical connotations as well, like when Jesus fed the masses with fish. The gospels often refer to “fishers of men.” Or, when “a great fish” swallowed Jonah the Prophet. In general, Jesus himself is often referred to or depicted with an image of a fish. The Jesus Fish magnet is one of the most recognizable symbols in modern times and has been featured in jewelry, on cars, in windows, and anywhere that someone would like to prove that they are free in faith and choose Christianity. In Buddhism, the fish represent happiness, as they have complete freedom in the water. The Polynesians and Hawaiians also have fish deities, speaking to how powerfully they feel about the fish.


The number 34 is the 9th Fibonacci number and is the magic constant of a 4 by 4 normal magic square. It’s considered a magical number in physics, and also has many popular culture references as well. In The Count of Monte Cristo, #34 is the prisoner number of Edmond Dantès. It’s also a popular song by the Dave Matthews Band. In time, 34 could be referring to something happening at the 34th hour, 34th day, 34th week, 34th month, or 34th year. It could be referring to a person who is around 34 years of age, or even a more specific time like March 4th, April 3rd, or the year 2034. Combined with the fish card, this change will likely be a change in business venture or independence for you or a loved one, and will occur at or around this time.

#4 - House

From childhood, as we play with crayons and paper, one of the first images we all learn to draw is a stick figure person standing next to a house. This house may have clouds and a sun in the sky, and a beautiful green grass garden, with flowers blooming throughout. Regardless, it always has windows, a door, a roof, and four walls. All of our drawings and all of our kids drawings of houses, although different, mostly look exactly the same. The house is one of the most symbolic things to us from the start. It’s right up there with a heart, a clover, a smiley face, and a cross. The house is our home. It is the place where we feel comfortable. It is the place where we lay our heads at night. It is where we shelter our families, pets, and earthly belongings. It’s a very big deal to turn over a key to our significant other, or to move a spouse into our home. The act of doing this represents not only just a change in living environment, but a new change in life stages altogether. A house card can indicate that we feel unstable in our lives, or that that stability is likely to come to us shortly in the future. It may bring up feelings of safety, security, and the ability or inability to save finances. We may feel like our household is behind on chores, bills, and financial obligations.


The number four goes very well with a home. There are four walls to every home, four sides to every window, four corners to every property. Four is a base, a stable base. It’s required to have four sides when you’re making a box, or building a house of cards. You may double date in fours, but three is a crowd. Five people results in a fifth wheel. Four can also mean four days, four weeks, four months, four years. It can also symbolize that something will happen in the month of April. Beyoncé and Jay-Z have done a lot of things according to the number 4, which is very important to them. Both of their birthdays are on the 4th, and their wedding anniversary is 4-4 — they even have IV wedding ring tattoos. Beyoncé also has an album named 4, and has released albums on dates with four or adding up to four. Finally, their daughter Blue Ivy, is named a first name with 4 letters and a second name Ivy as a shout out to the roman numeral four.

Fish + House

Because the Fish card can refer to freedom, and the House card can refer to stability, these two cards together means that you are have lifted a burden of feeling tied down and you are ready to move on to bigger pastures. You may be moving to a larger city, or to another school or workplace. We’ve all heard the saying “big fish in a small pond”, you may soon also become the “small fish in the large pond.” This can be terrifying at first, but will soon open you up to new adventures.


The Fish is represented by the number 34, and the House is represented by the number 4. When we combine them we get the number 38. Since 38 isn’t a single digit number, we add the 3 + 8 to get the number 11. We must then add 1 + 1 to get the number 2.

The Number 2

The number two can represent two people, like luck in love. It may also be used to indicate the month of February, the day of 2 or 20 or 22, or the time of 2 o’clock or 2:22, more specifically. It is not surprising that 2 is the month that is luckiest for two people in love, which holds the holiday of Valentine’s Day. Two can mean a pair, and can literally refer to cards and poker, but less literally be addressing the time frame of upcoming luck, or that your riches (or problems) will double. In a simple way, most people believe that their lucky numbers will bring them riches through a literal sense, and most likely through gambling. These people may try to play the number on a roulette wheel, buy a lottery ticket with the lucky number, or make a bet on an athlete or race horse wearing the number. However, the lucky numbers divined for you can and should be taken much further. You can use these numbers for your wedding date, grand opening date for your business, even as some form of your new home address. You can use your lucky number as a number, or can convert the number to a letter- for example, do you remember before that 2 would refer to the letter B? You can make sure to pump only your lucky number of gas, for example, as well, like $22.22, to increase your fortune on the road.

The number 2 comes with a warm feeling around the holidays. Spending time with loved ones and the sense of togetherness requires the company of others. Doing things as a couple or going to parties with a friend or even meeting new people while receiving a feeling of joy usually revolves around the number 2.

Action Items for Today

Consider whether you feel truly free in your life. Are you trapped like an animal in a cage by your work, spouse, or other commitments? The fish may be comfortable in a small pond, but he can also feel like he needs to escape at times. Take a short vacation or weekend in the great outdoors. Go out to a restaurant for dinner instead of eating at home. Find yourself outside of your normal day to day routine. Reevaluate your goals and desires. You need to make some changes to your home life so that you can grow and build your home stronger. Be sure to open the lines of communication with those close to you. Clarify anything causing haziness in your commitments.


“I will not be afraid to do what it is I want to do so that I feel truly free. Without reneging on my obligations, I will find a creative way to make what I want to happen in my own life, without constraints put on me by others. I will open the lines of communication with my loved ones. I will rework my goals and desires and I will live a truly free and happy life.” Repeat this mantra 2 or 3 times per day.

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