Will I Be In Debt Forever?

Six of Coins

'Others Will Help'

The Six of Coins shows a wealthy man dressed in a red rob, offering people some of his goods. The red here represents affluence and the yellow and blue that the two people collecting his goods are wearing represent hope and loyalty. The coins placed in the air symbolise how fragile money is, and how easy it is to either make it or lose it.

The Six of Coins is a symbol that in life sometimes we give, and other times we receive. This is a lesson that we are never lucky enough to be happy all the time, nor unhappy enough that we beg. It also speaks of generosity and the feeling of relief when somebody offers a kind hand.

Family and friends are going to rally round you to help you overcome this financial turmoil that you've found yourself to be in. It may or may not come as no surprise to them that you're in this debt, but either way, they want to see you happy and in a place where your debt doesn't add to the stress of your daily life, so that it no longer keeps you awake at night.

Take whatever support you can, and consider the generosity of others to be treasure. It's amazing how communities can come together to aid support, so accept help, even if it is a home cooked meal that saves you a few dollars. Every little really does help, and this kindness will eventually see you out of your struggles, and even take you on the road to wealth.