Temperance is here to say that things are calming down as you download the latest software on the How To Get Along & Live A Good Life app. If only there was an app like that!
Things have been a bit rough around the edges for the last while. And by things I mean you. It’s as if a bug got into your software and recoded everything you thought you knew. Luckily there’s a security update available from the universe right now. And even though it might feel like more malware - there’s definitely something to learn from this whole experience.
Software updates from the universe mean you’re bound to have deep and insightful moments where things just click into place in your brain. But right now there’s a bug on the loose in there. There’s some malware or code error that’s causing you to become hot-headed and impulsive. Temperance has appeared to tell you that if you want to download the new software, you’re going to have to learn to calm your temper and urges.
A little bit of something can be a good thing, but overdoing things is not a good idea right now. You might feel the need to work harder, or to relax more. You may feel like you need to enforce your boundaries as hard lines, or you may feel like boundaries are quite useless and you don’t need them. The point is, until now you’ve been swinging between two extremes, instead of finding a happy balance.