Five of Swords
The Five of Swords shows a man running away with swords - and those swords might be very sharp if you aren’t careful:
This card has shown up today to let you know that you might be craving an adventure, but getting loans and living on borrowed money is definitely not a good idea right now! Besides the fact that you’re basically stealing when you get loans of any kind, the Five of Swords is a very clear indicator that you might get your hands chopped off. But luckily not literally.
Getting your hands tied up in loans is definitely not a good idea right now! You need to make sure that you get all your own ducks in a row first. But the five energy of this card makes that a bit difficult. It has a devil-may-care attitude to it - and that’s why you’re contemplating getting a loan of some kind or another.
These loans aren’t just financial - you could be working too hard, you could be neglecting your health, you could be driving yourself crazy by trying to get everything just right… That’s the whole thing about this card - you could be walking away with borrowed time and energy, not just money. So, be very careful how you channel the explorative five energy associated with swords, because you could be cutting off valuable lifelines instead of slaying the dragon that’s got a big hoard of things you really wish you had.